Wisdom Kennels is a small family operation occasionally providing high-quality pets for sale. We are not in the "kennel business" but are animal lovers, SPCA and Humane Society supporters, who share a passion for Australian Shepherds and are working on creating a very special smaller-than-average version of one of the world's smartest dogs.

Our animals are hand-raised in a house and are acclimated to both inside and farm life.

There are many Aussie breeders out there, but very few miniature Aussies, and among those, even less who actually have AKC-registered Aussies that are minis.

Our dogs are fully-registerable with all the major registries, but are by default, AKC Australian Shepherds. These dogs are compatible with a new up and coming breed recognized by the AKC as "Mini-American Shepherds." You have the maximum number of options with these amazing animals. They make wonderful pets, or could be used in shows or obedience trials. Our mini-Aussies are particularly acclimated towards pet life. We do not dock tails - which is also rare among Aussie breeders. We do not feel tail docking is humane or necessary.

Happy Birthday! Our puppies were born 1/10/2017

Five gorgeous, healthy puppies! Check our mini-aussie facebook page for additional info, pictures and videos.

PUPPY STATUS: No reservations taken yet - the puppies are just days old.

Pictures of the puppies can be found HERE


Our puppies are priced differently because they are different.

1. These are PURE BRED Aussies

If your "mini aussie" is not AKC registered, there's no telling what other mini dogs with health issues may be in their bloodline. Pure blood Aussies are known to be a very long-lived, robust and healthy breed. Unlike other "mini aussies" these are AKC-registered as actual Australian Shepherds. It's *extremely difficult* to find mini-aussies that are AKC registered.


ALL normal healthy Aussies are born with tails - don't let breeders lie to you and say they're born that way. Docking tails is NOT a REQUIREMENT of the breed standard even though some breeders say otherwise and claim anyone who does not amputate their pet's tails is a "disreputable breeder" - that's BS. Studies have shown that puppies without docked tails are more healthy. http://www.notailleftbehind.com/2013/06/breeders-who-choose-not-to-dock-tails.html

We cannot and will not amputate a critical appendage of our animals for the sake of appearance. And once you see the puppies you'll see how critical and important their tails are. It's hard to find breeders who will keep their tails. We catch a lot of flack from the community over this, but it's in the best interests of the animals.

3. Our litters are the "Genetic jackpot."

Our sire and damsel have the perfect combination of standard and recessive genes to produce every variation of Aussie puppy available, as well as the very rare blue eyes combination. Every litter has produced the rare genetic varieties that are most sought after.

4. Our puppies are uniquely adaptable

Traditional aussies and border collies are notorious for requiring large amounts of activity and aren't always suited for more urban life. Our puppies have proven to be uniquely adaptable to both work life as well as low level urban living, even being an "inside dog" that doesn't need to be walked. They're incredibly smart - some of the smartest dogs you'll ever encounter, great with children, other animals, great watchdogs, and gentle and kind.

This is our last litter - there will be no more puppies from this Sire and Dam. They were and are the best parents we've ever had.

NOTE: Within one day of taking reservations on the puppies we sold them all in less than 24 hours. Thanks to everybody who expressed interest. We had more demand than puppies. We will let you know if there's another litter in the future.


"Jet" - Black/white/brown male (black with tan points), mostly black with white chest and brown on face and legs; Largest puppy in the litter - SOLD

"Max" - Black/white male (black with white trim and tan points), smallest puppy in the litter - SOLD

"Linus" - Red Male (with white markings), two gorgeous blue eyes, medium sized - SOLD

"Rikker" - Blue Merle Male (white markings, tan points), blue eyes, SOLD

"Happy" - Blue Merle Male (white markings, tan points), blue eyes, SOLD

"Dinah" - Blue Merle Female - heavy tan markings make her almost a hybrid blue/red merle (white markings, tan points), SOLD

Prices are for pet registration. +200 for breeder/full registration. If you are interested in seeing the puppies, contact mike@wisdomkennels.com or PM here on this group. We are located in Metairie, LA and can arrange visitation of the puppies. Any other questions, let us know!

If you are interested in seeing any of the puppies, e-mail info@wisdomkennels.com or PM us on our Louisiana mini aussie Facebook Page. You can also see more recent pictures and full videos of the puppies on the Louisiana mini aussie Page.

The puppies will be ready for their new homes in March!

Contact us if you wish to arrange to see the puppies in person in Metairie, LA.

If you want to be notified of new puppies, scroll down and add your name/e-mail to the form at the bottom of this page!

Puppies are:
1. blue merle, male, darker, black patch on left side
2. female, blue merle, silvery
3. male, black/white bi (almost completely black)
4. male, blue merle
5. male, black/white/bi (possibly tricolor)
6. male, brown/bi-color (almost solid brown)


Click on the pictures below to see details about each puppy and price. We are now arranging visits to see the puppies in Metairie, LA. Contact us for details: info@wisdomkennels.com

No individual puppy pictures yet - stay tuned!

No deposits will be taken yet, but feel free to contact us and express interest. Prices are to be determined. This will be the LAST LITTER from our primary Damsel, Calliope - all our puppies to date have come from the same pair of dogs - you can look on the Facebook page for tons of pictures of past puppies and how they've grown. These puppies will be available for their homes after ~6+ weeks. Prices will probably start at $800+. The Red Merle female will be the most sought after and the most expensive - we're waiting for them to grow a little before allowing deposits and determining prices. However, seriously interested parties may be able to visit the express interest in a particular puppy - contact us at info (at) wisdomkennels [period] com or at the bottom of the page.

Pictures from past litters:

Puppies from first litter see: Mini aussies Louisiana litter 1
Puppies from second litter see: Louisiana mini australian shepherds litter 2
Puppies from third litter see: Louisiana mini australian shepherds litter 3
Puppies from fourth litter see: Louisiana mini australian shepherds litter 4

New owners are sharing pictures of their babies at this facebook page: Louisiana Mini Aussies and their happy owners

If you would like to be notified of our next litter, sign up here:
E-Mail: Name:
Comments or any particular in type of puppy interest?